font_category: blackletter


Concord font

Yet another typeface with simplicity as its core element. Concord is derived from a successful type family ‘Accord Alternate’ with an added geometric touch. Concord is a geometric sans serif. It has large counters...

Gothic Revival Layered

Gothic Revival Layered font

Gothic Revival Layered is a new layered font by Chyrllene K – Intellecta Design. Whith it you have three wonderful ways to use and apply in yours projects.

Gutenberg A

Gutenberg A font

This is a free abridged edition of the full-featured Gutenberg B and Gutenberg C fonts. Although (as the name suggests) it was originally conceived as the first release in the B42-type series, it actually...


Octant font

Octant is an original display typeface drawing inspiration from Victorian-age steel and brass engineering, as well as from blackletter typography. Despite its many innovative departures from traditional letter architecture at the detail level, its…


Hans font

In the Textura blackletter, legibility is less important than texture. The Hans typeface is particularly dark, dense and harsh. It is an abrupt typeface, with no smooth outlines, close to the expressionist blackletters designed...


Anacharsis font

Anacharsis is a modernist geometric sans serif typeface, following the path of Futura, Simplex or Semplicità. Its shapes and proportions are based on the Rotunda black letter, soft, rounded, with a ‘southerly’ feel, such...

Berengard Caps Two

Berengard Caps Two font

a classical wood type era box ornament using blackletter… a beautiful arrangement for publishing edition and other jobs

EB Martin

EB Martin font

Martin is a quirky modern blackletter, inspired by several traditional styles. Despite the organic feel, its construction is entirely geometric.

MODERN Hand Fraktur

MODERN Hand Fraktur font

 Der schludrige und raue handgeschriebene Fraktur Cha­rak­ter, geben der Schrift eine hohe Wiedererkennung und eine gewisse Einzigartigkeit. Das Motto lautet handgemacht, rau, Fraktur & modern. EINSATZGEBIETE
 Das dreckige…

Gothic Hand Dirty

Gothic Hand Dirty font

Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Raw Hand­writ­ten Script Font Gothic Hand Dirty with 2 styles (regu­lar, bold) & 58 glyphs.