font_category: blackletter


AltDeutsch font

Jugendstil Initials

Jugendstil Initials font

Jugendstil Initials were designed by Heinrich Vogeler around 1905, based on the German blackletter tradition. A similar set of initials by Vogeler, but based on roman letters was released by Rudhardsche Geisserei of Offenbach...

Kardanal DT

Kardanal DT font


Archemy font

Archemy is a restricted and obscure branch of Alchemy that deals specifically with the life, generation and transmutation of Metals. The Archemy font is primarily a magical and alchemical alphabet. It was created on...

Zentenar Fraktur

Zentenar Fraktur font

The name of this blackletter font was chosen due to the centennial of the Bauer Foundry, Frankfurt am Mai, in 1937. Ernst Schneidler probably created then the most beautiful of all fraktur fonts. They...


Bentele-Unziale font

The Bentele-Unziale letters are transcribed from letters drawn by Prof. Ernst Bentele which are displayed in Hoffmanns Schriftatlas (1952). The size of the original is matched when set at 84 pt.


Wedding font

Wedding Regular was originally designed by Morris Fuller Benton for ATF and released as Wedding Text in 1901. It is a lighter version of his ENGRAVER’S OLD ENGLISH of the same period. Wedding Regular...

Black Swan BF

Black Swan BF font

Beautiful and elegant, Black Swan BF lives equally in bliss as entrance signage for an exclusive housing subdivision, as it does on the cover of a hot new music CD. This font features elements...


Brass font

The Brass Family has a lineage that extends into English history. About five hundred years ago a devout, but anonymous Englishman gave glory to the God he worshipped by designing the capital letters and...


Claudius font

A blackletter font tending towards the gothic which was released by Klingspor, Offenbach am Main, in 1937. Claudius can be used for clerical as well as for secular purposes and shows a strong character...