font_category: decorative

Podunk JNL

Podunk JNL font

The term “podunk” usually refers to a small, insignificant town. In this case, Podunk JNL refers to a bold and brash font that resembles cut-paper characters.

Rubbish JNL

Rubbish JNL font

Rubbish JNL from Jeff Levine is simply letters scribbled from an old stencil as if made by a child… But the look takes on a form of “stencil grunge” as well!


Ubuvila font

African fonts are characterised by design considerations that differ from those of Europe and the Americas. At one extreme we have a relaxed and casual approach to life that values the quality of each...

African Shield

African Shield font

African Shield is named for the cow-hide shields used by Zulu warriors. The shield was an essential part of the weaponry of the Zulu Nation. In the days of the great King Shaka, every...


Genevieve font

Genevieve combines the elegance of classical calligraphy with a feminine, yet contemporary, economy of line. It will enhance the appearance of advertisements, wedding invitations, headlines and posters. It contains a full character set and...


Iliad font

Iliad was designed to bridge the gap between traditional serif faces and modern humanist fonts. It uses a gentle, traditional, partial serif combined with a subtle curving of many of the “corners” in the...

Silver Dagger

Silver Dagger font

Silver Dagger is a contemporary script-inspired font that combines the elegance of graceful handwriting with clean, modern, incisive calligraphy. It will enhance the appearance of advertisements, invitations, headlines and posters. It contains a…


Yisana font


Zkumavka font


Garash font

Very decorative script inspired by old lettering in Eastern Europe. Eye-catching for picture books, toys for children. There is another font which called Garash Script.