font_category: decorative


Eccentric font


Diotima font

Diotima was designed by Gudrun Zapf von Hesse in 1948, the italic even earlier, in 1939. Diotima is a festive font particularly well-suited to invitations, programs and poems. The delicate italic draws attention to...


Cutout font

Matisse’s paper cutouts inspired Gail Blumberg, Adobe art director, to create a typeface of figures. Her biggest challenge: keeping each Cutout design in scale. It’s not easy to make a standing figure, like ‘Y,’...


Coronet font


Cottonwood font

Cottonwood is a group effort of the typeface artists K.B. Chansler, B. Lind and J. Redick and displays the unmistakable look of the Wild West. It is stylistically modelled on the typefaces used in...


Critter font

Originally created by Craig Frazier, San Francisco designer and illustrator, for The Alphabet Critter Playbook, the clever creatures of Critter tell you their names by the letter they represent. A helpful hint: x” is...

Cooper Black

Cooper Black font

Oswald Bruce Cooper designed Cooper Black, an extra bold roman face, based on the forms of his earlier typeface Cooper Old Style, which appeared with Barnhart Brothers & Spindler Type Founders in Chicago. Copper...


Copal font

Inspired by the carvings on meso-American monuments, David Lemon of Adobe’s type staff created Copal. It is named after a resin that was burned as incense by ancient cultures and which is used today...


Coriander font

Coriander is the work of British designer Timothy Donaldson. It started out as a doodle one afternoon Donaldson was bored and uninspired. He wrote the word Coriander” and was then distracted by the sun...