font_category: decorative


Roncial font

Roncial is an Ultra Bold font with a hint of serif. This is one of the fonts originally designed before the advent of digital and started out being a bolder, slightly serifed version of...


Leroy font

Leroy is a font family of 5 members designed from geometrizing Roman and Gothic skeletons. Its purpose is to provide optimal reading of titles and paragraphs with strong mechanical flavor. Because of this, its...


Spaza font

In parts of Africa, in the poorer, rural and peri-urban areas there are many small shops or convenience stores which are called “Spaza” shops. The owners of these shops often don’t have access to...


Klatter font

Klatter is a font that is “in your face”. It can’t be ignored, and draws attention to itself no matter how noisy the environment. It is available in three styles: – Klatter Regular is...

Scratch SCF

Scratch SCF font

Scratch SCF is a grunge font with a difference. It has an irregular, almost random outline that suggests an old-fashioned quill pen that is leaking and scratching its way across the page. There are...


Tasci font


Sewn font

Sewn is a mechanically embroidered font in four sizes: small, medium, large and extra-large. Smaller sizes have heavier thread and less stitches. In OpenType savvy applications, letter pair ligatures help break up the monotony...


Bree font

The Bree font family is a spry sans serif by Veronika Burian and José Scaglione that delivers a spirited look and feel for branding and headline usage. As an upright italic, Bree shows a...

CA Hail To The King

CA Hail To The King font

Created exclusively for an exhibition catalog for the exhibition ‘Hail to the King, Baby!’. CA Hail to the King is based upon different letters taken from handmade signs from all over the world. You...


HaruNami font

HaruNami (“spring wave”) fuses Japanese ornamentation with the Roman alphabet. All the motifs in the typeface are based on traditional Japanese wave ornamentation. HaruNami has a unique stylistic system that ranges from Simple to...