font_category: decorative

Matthew’s Text

Matthew’s Text font

A very scary font. Good to do graffiti-like labels or scary text…


LiebeOrnaments font

You think swirls, swashes and curls are kitsch? Wait till you’ve seen our self-confident set of uncomplicated hand-drawn ornaments. If you’re looking for the right flourish to spice up your greeting cards or prettify...

Schwandner Versalia

Schwandner Versalia font

A highly intrincated decorative capital from the work of Johann Georg Schwandner (1716-1791). An accurate historical revival and interpretation of Iza W, at Intellecta Design. State-of-art to use in headings, chapter initials from books,...


Geli font

It’s a mixture of digital exactness and analog freedom. With over 130 Opentype features, the font can change its look from strict to charming twirly. GELI offers many different ways to highlight words, which...


Cigar font

Cigar is a revival of a 1970s and 1980s typeface called Cucumber or Nassel Black or Scanner. It has been carefully redrawn and expanded into a full-featured OpenType font. Cigar Octo and Cigar Quarto...


Passage font

Passage is freshly looking decorative Art Deco font family, inspired with modern influences.

Mandala FX

Mandala FX font

Mandala FX is a new comic font mada by Matthias Luh. It has a nice style and quite a lot of characters.

Megaflakes 2010

Megaflakes 2010 font

Snowflakes and doodles to complement any design on the fly.

Doc Holliday

Doc Holliday font

Doc Holliday is an original design by Alex Kaczun. It’s a classic revival of a Western-style slab serif font extended to include Eastern European Latin and Baltic languages. Doc Holliday has a mid to...


Miel font