font_category: decorative

Cal Cursive Modern

Cal Cursive Modern font

Calligrapher Cursive Modern, is one of the calligraphic group of fonts called “21 alphabets for Calligraphers“. All graphemes are taken from calligraphic pages written on Cursive Modern calligraphic style. This font is ideal for...


Lugo font

The font “Lugo” is a heavy typeface designed for use in headlines and caption text. Their design has a strong visual impact, a persuasive and seductive personality throughout its organic shapes. This is a...

Grafolita Script

Grafolita Script font

Grafolita is a type family of three fonts. It offers great versatility in composing layouts with different point sizes, as it allows the user to balance the weights between bigger and smaller letters. Grafolita...

Cal Bakerly

Cal Bakerly font

Cal Bakerly is part of the calligraphic group of fonts called “21 alphabets for Calligraphers“. All graphemes are taken from calligraphic pages written in Arthur Baker’s calligraphic style. This font is ideal for calligraphic...

Rolling Pen

Rolling Pen font

After doing this for so many years, one would think my fascination with the old history of writing would have mellowed out by now. The truth is that alongside being a calligraphy history buff,...


theLUXX font

The Luxx font was born in 2010 and in the 2013 has been redesigned. Luxx is based on a style of lettering often seen on Italian art deco posters and advertising of the 1930s....


Numina font

Numina is an elegant, dignified, highly condensed modern display family comprising two complementary faces. Numina Glory capitalizes on the family�s strong, relentless vertical texture, eschewing diagonals in favor of robust pillars, whereas Numina…

Sleuth JNL

Sleuth JNL font

The movie trailer for the1936 film “After the Thin Man” is filled with text lettered in this classic Art Deco condensed typeface. Sleuth JNL seems the appropriate name for this digital revival, as the...

Print Art JNL

Print Art JNL font

Borders, embellishments, spot illustrations and a miscellany of other dingbats are gathered in Print Art JNL as another collective of nostalgic imagery for print and web projects.

Print Assistants JNL

Print Assistants JNL font

For those who can’t get enough of the wonderful illustrations, embellishments and dingbats of days gone by, Print Assistants JNL collects more of them in one handy font file.