font_category: decorative

Nanami Pro

Nanami Pro font

Nanami Pro is the heavily engineered follow up to the hugely successful Nanami and Nanami Rounded font families. Nanami Pro contains all the wonder of the original Nanami families, but with vastly extended language...

Ciutadella Rounded

Ciutadella Rounded font

Ciutadella Rounded is not only a font with soft corners, it has a real rounded terminal across all the weights. It was a challenge to achieve a rounded effect in close counters characters, especially...

Nova Caere

Nova Caere font

Nova Caere is a typical urban calligraphy, gestural with its fast lines, with short and slightly noticeable ascender and descender traits. Condensed lower case and rounded capital letters are quite similar in height. Nova...


Cluster font

A​​ ​hand​-drawn shadowed and textured display sans​. Strong and stylish, ​definitely​. Two glyphs per letter for a ​nice ​natural ​feel. And ​let’s not​ forget to ​remark the hi-versatile solo versions​​. ​The​se fit many design...

Wanderlust Letters

Wanderlust Letters font

Wanderlust letters is a beautiful hand painted script that comes with a set of extras. All letters have been carefully painted giving your words a wonderful flow. Wanderlust can be used for fashion, apparel,...


Couture font

Couture has taken years to come to fruition. We cannot say it is a dutiful revival of Imre Reiner’s Corvinus—a typeface that has always had a soft spot in many of our hearts for...

Atlantic Cruise

Atlantic Cruise font

The “Atlantic Cruise” is the Titanic of Kustomtype’s fonts. The only difference between this and the real ship is that this one won’t sink – it’ll float forever. Originally inspired by travel & cruise...


Annexxus font

Kustomtype’s ‘Annexxus’ font is a serrif font family with a regular & oblique version. It contains all upper & lower cases. The ‘Annexxus’ family is coordinated into letterforms, metrics, and weights to work better...

Solitude JNL

Solitude JNL font

A piece of vintage sheet music with the hand lettered title “Solitude” is the namesake and inspiration for Solitude JNL. Purely Art Deco in its typographic curves and angles of the period, this typeface...

Song Folio JNL

Song Folio JNL font

A 1940s Australian song folio featuring tunes performed by singer-actress Deanna Durbin had her name hand lettered in an interesting Art Deco style sans. This became the basis for Song Folio JNL, capturing all...