font_category: decorative

Schoolyard Stencil JNL

Schoolyard Stencil JNL font

A vintage lettering stencil manufactured by the E-Z Letter Stencil Company of Baltimore, Maryland was the model for Schoolyard Stencil JNL, available in both regular and oblique versions. Re-drawn digitally and following the actual...

Schoolyard Blues JNL

Schoolyard Blues JNL font

Schoolyard Blues JNL is based on the hand lettered title found on the sheet music for the 1938 song “I Was Late for School”. A condensed sans serif with chamfered corners, it reflects the...

Second Guess JNL

Second Guess JNL font

The cover of the 1934 sheet music for “Your Guess Is Just as Good as Mine” offers up another hand lettered Art Deco sans with a classic period look. The square-ish lettering with rounded...

Sea Gate JNL

Sea Gate JNL font

Sea Gate JNL is a hybrid font creation based in part on a 1930s-era WPA (Works Progress Administration) poster and the addition of slab serifs as well as a few modifications to some of...

Script Spot Initials JNL

Script Spot Initials JNL font

Amidst the pages of the 1946 foreign-printed “100 Alphabets Publicitaires” (“100 Advertising Alphabets”) was an example of a beautiful vertical script type design with a somewhat calligraphic look. This became the work model for...

Semi Calligraphic JNL

Semi Calligraphic JNL font

A 1950 reissue of the 1934 tune “With My Eyes Wide Open I’m Dreaming” had the title of the sheet music hand lettered in a semi-calligraphic sans serif design. This became the model for...

See You Later JNL

See You Later JNL font

The sheet music cover of Lew Brown and Albert Von Tilzer’s 1917 wartime song “Au Revoir, But Not Goodbye (Soldier Boy)” had its title hand-lettered in a condensed sans serif design with the influence...

Series A Signage JNL

Series A Signage JNL font

The basis for Series A Signage JNL is Highway Gothic; a type style design formally known as the FHWA Series. The font was developed by the United States Federal Highway Administration, and originally consisted...

Sentiment JNL

Sentiment JNL font

From the 1917 sheet music for “The World Has Been So Mean to Me” comes a wonderfully hand lettered chamfered sans with varying widths and character shapes, now released digitally as Sentiment JNL in...

Shopping Basket JNL

Shopping Basket JNL font

The cover of the vintage sheet music for “This Little Piggie Went to Market” (from the 1934 film “Eight Girls in a Boat”) features a hand-lettered sans serif with intermittent chamfered angles. This became...