font_category: decorative


Deviliette font

Looking for something a little bad-ass to spice up your designs? Grab Devilette, she’s one hot number!

Cherry Soda

Cherry Soda font

Cruise in to your favorite soda fountain and ask the jerk behind the counter to pull you a sweet red cherry soda! This extra wide sans-serif will take you back to the world of...

American Cheese

American Cheese font

If it’s in sight, it must be right! Grab this bold Art Deco sans serif the next time you’re hankering for a tasty steakburger and a milkshake!

Said In Script

Said In Script font

Said In Script is the latest handwritten cursive script font by Jess Latham. It’s got a charming nostalgic style and sophisticated opentype features that give it a real authenticity. As a bonus, this font...


Relation font

Relation is a beautiful family of brushed script fonts with a fresh and modern look. The alternate version (Relation Two) has a different style of caps. Each version is available in two weights: regular...

Head Turn

Head Turn font

Head Turn is a lightly textured handwriting font from Jess Latham. The subtle dry marker texture and opentype wizardry adds a unique realness and depth. It’s got style and sophistication that make it destined...

Enticing Script

Enticing Script font

Enticing Script is a clean, modern and versatile script face that was designed specifically for packaging design but will fit in just about anywhere. It comes complete with many alternates for the upper and...


Zelda font

»ZELDA«, my new font family is named after Zelda Fitzgerald, the »Flapper« wife of »Tender is the Night« F. Scott Fitzgerald. They really lived it up at the French Riviera. Despite Scott making money...

Sutro Initials

Sutro Initials font

A two-font chromatic (or layered) set. The Primary font, which is the old Sutro Inlined Initials. Salvaged from the wreckage of my Type1 font library, the inlined initials have been in the shop for...

Wurst Hassen

Wurst Hassen font

WurstHassen is an ugly, violent typeface, full of anger and rage.The two overlay styles can be used alone or layered with the base font to produce bi- or tricolored lettering.