font_category: decorative


Vecmetry font

This font is more than just letters, it’s inspired by VECTOR ART. It’s name, VECMETRY’ comes from the combination of vector and geometry, that’s why it keeps the most basic elements of design: circle,...


Kurilian font

A very unusual type based on wooden type designs of the 19th century, lacking lower case which may not have been designed for this font.


Kafenia font

Kafenia is a geometric display typeface, consisting of capitals and small capitals only. Inspired by the combination of vintage and decorative aesthetics with squarish and compact look, Kafenia claims to be a classy and...


Expreso font

EXPRESO was inspired by the extinct art and craft of urban Lettering applied to buses and other kind of cars for public service of transportation. Since the mid of last century, main cities of...


Rivets font

Rivets is a result of my fascination with the beauty I find in utilitarian industrial objects like the riveted stanchions in New York subway stations, decorative ironwork in Grand Central terminal and the eloquent...

Brush Swipe

Brush Swipe font

A freehand connected brush script with swash-caps and a variety ligatures. All lower case glyphs carefully designed to connect to each other creating a pleasant and legible script.Suitable for captions, packaging, cards, posters, ads,...

RNS Camelia

RNS Camelia font

Camelia is an demi–slab display type family with reversed strokes to achieve an unexpected look and rythm. Was designed and optimized for use in large sizes. It is inspired by the geometric typefaces of...

Hey Dude

Hey Dude font

Hey I’m a cool, casual, confident, down-to-earth, fun-lovin’, bold and friendly, attention-getting dude. Really cool in all caps too!

Winning Team JNL

Winning Team JNL font

The second volume of the Robbins Music Corporation’s “Hollywood Song Folio” features the word “Hollywood” lettered in a condensed block style with inline, strongly reminiscent of sports or college-themed typography. This was the inspiration...

Tin Stencil JNL

Tin Stencil JNL font

Tin Stencil JNL was modeled from examples of an antique metal stencil letter and number set.