font_category: decorative


Space font


Chipper font

King Richard

King Richard font

Minya Nouvelle

Minya Nouvelle font


Bouchon font

Bouchon has been created for Letraset by the French husband and wife design team, Roselyne and Michel Besnard. Inspired by bitmapped letter images, the types evoke a futuristic appearance and a style very much...

Eden Mills

Eden Mills font


Almonte font


Bobbysox font

Who would have thought that mixing roman and italic letterforms within the same font would work? Well, Bobbysox proves that you can, and with stunning results. Its designer, Alan Dempsey, has been creating letterforms...

Betina Script

Betina Script font

The type family was designed at ParaType (ParaGraph) in 1992 by Alexander Tarbeev. Based on the handwriting of the German graphic artist Betina Kuntzsch. For use in advertising and display typography. Additional Latin letters...


Astron font