font_category: decorative

LEaD Lights

LEaD Lights font

Electric Weasel

Electric Weasel font

Cheap and Easy

Cheap and Easy font

Cyber Zombie

Cyber Zombie font

Dogs on Mars

Dogs on Mars font


Valerie font

Here is another attempt to create a font for invitation work unlike any already out in the world. In casting about for a name, I decided to call it Valerie after Valerie Hope, a...


Zorro font

A reasonably accurate rendering of an old favorite font from Victorian times. Quite readable in lowercase, and very eye-catching in all-caps. We got the proof for this in London many years ago, but neglected...

Penny Arcade

Penny Arcade font

A popular caps-only type of late Victorian times was called Mural, brought out by Boston Type Foundry in 1890. We always liked it, drew a lowercase for it, and then strengthened it by adding...


Benday font