font_category: decorative

Binner Poster

Binner Poster font


Angular font

A very contemporary design can be used in any application from headlines to text. Angular serifs give this design a strong base.

Elephant Bells

Elephant Bells font

This 60’s 70’s design has a great nostalgic look. It appears to flourish within itself.

Astaire Pro

Astaire Pro font

This is a deco-style text OpenType Pro font loosely based on Koch’s Locarno as seen in KochAltschrift a recent free German tribute to Koch’s work. I was familiar with Meek’s Letraset presstype version called...

Frank Gorshin

Frank Gorshin font

Leticea Bumstead

Leticea Bumstead font

Leticea Bumstead was designed by Woodrow Phoenix, a British comics artist, writer, editorial illustrator, graphic designer, font designer and author of children’s books. Phoenix’s work is graphic and playful, while noted for its high...

Cro Aloha

Cro Aloha font

Cro Aloha was designed by Woodrow Phoenix, a British comics artist, writer, editorial illustrator, graphic designer, font designer and author of children’s books. Phoenix’s work is graphic and playful, while noted for its high...

Curly Luly

Curly Luly font

Curly Luly was designed by Woodrow Phoenix, a British comics artist, writer, editorial illustrator, graphic designer, font designer and author of children’s books. Phoenix’s work is graphic and playful, while noted for its high...


Fleche font

The Fleche Family was designed by Woodrow Phoenix, a British comics artist, writer, editorial illustrator, graphic designer, font designer and author of children’s books. Phoenix’s work is graphic and playful, while noted for its...


Ovidius font