font_category: decorative


Sinah font

Linotype Sinah is part of the Take Type Library, selected from the contestants of Linotype’s International Type Design Contests of 1994 and 1997. Designed by the German artist Peter Huschka, Linotype Sinah is a...

Kg Stuttgart 1930

Kg Stuttgart 1930 font

KgStuttgart1930 — Kunstgewerbeschule Stuttgart 1930 — is based on a printed sample of a font designed in 1930 at the Stuttgart School of Applied Arts. Found in the book ABZ, more alphabets and other...


Rostra font

It was during a visit to the Roman Forum that we were inspired by a seemingly unique style of lettering on a tablet among the ruins. The Latin message was chiseled in a condensed,...

Baroque Borders B

Baroque Borders B font

PT Baroque Borders B is a baroque ornament-font for borders. Especially in combination with Fleischmann Gotisch you can made very impressed greeting cards, wedding-greetings or decorative certificates.

Baroque Borders A

Baroque Borders A font

PT Baroque Borders A is a baroque ornament-font for borders. Especially in combination with Fleischmann Gotisch you can made very impressive greeting cards, wedding invitations or decorative certificates.

Cross Stitch Brazen

Cross Stitch Brazen font

Cross Stitch Brazen is based on upper case characters 13 stitches tall and contains the upper case characters A-Z, ampersand, question and exclamation marks, bullet, comma, and period.

Cross Stitch Diamond Monogram

Cross Stitch Diamond Monogram font

Cross Stitch Diamond Monogram is a 25 stitch tall 3-letter diamond monogram. The letter representing the first name is on the left and is located under the character set. The letter representing the surname...

Cross Stitch Splendid

Cross Stitch Splendid font

Cross Stitch Splendid is based on upper case characters 23 stitches tall and contains the upper case characters A-Z.


Moxie font

Moxie is geometry gone dark and funny. Comes with 4 different styles, including a charming stencil and a very outspoken unicase. Ideal for posters, postcards, and display lettering-only designs.


Stock font

Stock is fat stencil on steroids, or perhaps laughing pills. Many a design will benefit from Stock’s loud message. Comes in a regular style and a very unique unicase, as well as more than...