font_category: decorative

Travel Kit SG

Travel Kit SG font

Here’s an intriguing mixture of 1930s deco and modern tech fashion. Travel Kit Medium is a sturdy semi-serif hybrid with one foot in the past and another in the present. It is slightly low-waisted...

Stellar Classic SG

Stellar Classic SG font

Designed by the renowned Robert Hunter Middleton of Chicago’s Ludlow Typograph Company, this “serifless roman” was first introduced in 1929. Middleton has created a transitional face linking the traditional thick and thin serifs of...

Headline Helpers One SG

Headline Helpers One SG font

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an assortment of little hand-lettered words? Words like “The” or “A”; “With” or “At”; “To” or “From”? Headline Helpers are word accents that can go just about anywhere....


KfontZ font

Olbrich Display NF

Olbrich Display NF font

Based on lettering on a poster for an 1907 art exhibition by Joseph Maria Olbrich. Use uppercase characters for headlines, and lowercase letters for text use. For “dotted” spaces, use the underscore, and brackets...

Ark Monogram SG

Ark Monogram SG font

Ark is a combination monogram set based on the ATF Virkotype design. By combining variously shaped characters, you can produce initials within an oval frame. Just select a left-hand letter, a center letter, and...


Valjean font

Here is a wood type from Tubbs & Co., about 1900. Its lack of decoration reflects the changes that were rapidly occurring in the design of printed pieces at the beginning of the 1900s....

Flo Barnum

Flo Barnum font

No telling how old this font is, because it came from Hamilton, a firm that was late in the wood type business, but was the repository of many older patterns from earlier wood type...

Gashouse Gang

Gashouse Gang font

This font was adapted from an old lettering book, circa 1900. The book got away from us many years ago, but we had made stats of all the potentially useful fonts. Original had no...

Hattan Antique

Hattan Antique font

This font is a somewhat modified version of the original issued by the Manhattan Type Foundry in the 1880s. This New York foundry was in business for less than five years, so its fonts...