font_category: decorative


Brody font

American Uncial

American Uncial font


Tangram font

Tangram is the famous Chinese puzzle, perhaps one of the oldest games in the world. It consists of seven pieces called Tans obtained from a square cut up in a certain way. These seven...

Laydeez Nite

Laydeez Nite font


Artefact font

Rearranging the conventional disposition of thick and thin strokes in the Modern (Didone) class of typeface.


Walburn font

Condensed “modern” family based on the early 19th Century Walbaum typeface. A variety of treatments for use at sizes ranging from text to large display, where the micro-detailing comes into full effect.


Hounslow font

Hounslow is closely related to Acton in structure, and takes the latter’s simple block construction into the third dimension. Three variants – open, solid and shadow – can be freely mixed in one setting...

P22 Bauhaus

P22 Bauhaus font

The P22 Bauhaus Set includes three type faces designed by Herbert Bayer, including the famous Universal font most commonly associated with the Bauhaus school. A collection of 72 graphic elements inspired by various Bauhaus...


Freeman font


Coquette font

Coquette is a unconnected script combining elements of the traditional French script and geometric sans serif styles. The result is at once novel and familiar, evoking both vernacular and commercial lettering of the mid-20th...