font_category: decorative

Terylene Top

Terylene Top font


Waker font


Lunasol font

Sudbury Basin

Sudbury Basin font

Knuckle Down

Knuckle Down font


Kredit font

Lets Eat

Lets Eat font


Bellucci font

Bellucci is the redesign of Ramiro Espinoza’s first typeface, Mabella. Being not happy with the original design, he decided to redraw it completely and add 3 new weights. Bellucci is a constructivist, modular, compressed...


Falace font

The Falace family, a contemporary interpretation of the Didone typefaces, is designed for text applications.

Chocolate OT

Chocolate OT font

Most everyone agrees that chocolate is irresistible. Now the Koziupa & Paul tag team is offering you a choice of three irresistible flavors, from the bittersweet Amargo, to the mouth-watering Dulce, you now have...