font_category: decorative


Berolina font

A circa 1900 type from the foundry of W. Grauneau, Berlin. A great utility face as it works well as the “plain” face with other decorative type of the same era. Reads well in...


Whumsy font

Whumsy is a romantic font with strokes of magic. Everything it touches turns into something beautiful.


Alea font

Alea is based on the drawings of Maria Balle. The floral, organic look of these bastard script initials will play well together with nearly all Didone designs and will give them a special note....


Tourette font

Tourette draws inspiration from 19th century French light slab serifs. This area of typography is relatively unexplored in contemporary design. Tourette includes two versions, Normal and Extreme. Normal is simple, delicate and legible, whereas…

Antique Wells

Antique Wells font


DokterBryce font

A stylized typeface directly inspired by the movie poster artwork for The Man Who Fell To Earth starring David Bowie.


Tina font

Tina is another powerful script designed in the style of the classic forties and fifties American advertising fonts.

Back Fence

Back Fence font

A clever font derived from wood planks

New Visigoth

New Visigoth font


Oakgraphic font