font_category: decorative

Alphacal JNL

Alphacal JNL font

Alphacal JNL and Alphacal Black JNL are variants of the same lettering style found in Jeff Levine’s Juneway JNL font… all based on water-applied decals once made by the Duro Decal Company (now Duro...


Novita font

Novita is a new something. This font is a new very elegant – extremely slanted – joining script with long ascenders and descenders. It is the fiancée of Novido which is the more elaborate...


Swizzle font


Submarine font

The Submarine family is based on a custom designed typeface for website navigation and headlining purposes, hence its geometric structure. In contrast to most other typefaces, where increase of boldness of the lighter weights...


Novido font

Novido is a new very elegant – extremely slanted – joining script with long ascenders and descenders. It is the male partner of Novita which is the less elaborate female partner of the pair....


Crowns font

Crowns for Queens. Crowns for Kings. Royal crowns, regal crowns, party crowns, cute crowns, fairy princess crowns, hearts & swirls crowns. This font has them all. 26 outline crowns and those same crowns filled...


Busted font

Busted is the very strange and out-of-character outburst of Bill Troop, a guy who was classically trained in everything, from classical piano and literature to classical photography and type design. As far as we...

1592 GLC Garamond

1592 GLC Garamond font

This family was inspired by the pure Garamond pattern set of fonts used by Egenolff and Berner, German printers in Frankfurt, at the end of the sixteenth century. All the experts said it was...


Smoothie font


Jilkyway font

Jilkyway is a truly weird font. Here and there you might spot some sanity in the weird font curves. But as you type, your text becomes more and more weird! The font is also...