font_category: decorative


Thrills font

Thrills! It’s urgent, it’s compelling, it’s immediate gratification and so much more than a Thrill-a-minute because it’s now available in five weights! So Jump, Twist, Flip and Split for this adrenalin-packed family of fonts...


Timelord font

VWORP! VWORP! This font will travel through the four dimensions of time and space to materialise on your hard drive. TIMELORD was created for Telos publishing’s line of DOCTOR WHO novellas.

Calligraphia Latina Soft 2

Calligraphia Latina Soft 2 font

One of the most successful ornament fonts is CalligraphiaLatina. It is part of a trend that’s been quite popular lately: messed-up calligraphy. CalligraphiaLatina is a worldwide best-seller from IntellectaDesign.. Besides the original…


Stonehenge font

The Runes have been cast! The Druids will gather around the standing stones of England at midnight and the Lamb will lie with the Devil as the Wicker Man burns! There are Daemons to...

Allerlei Zierat

Allerlei Zierat font

Ornaments family with four different sets plus a decorative capitals font from the rare, valuable and amazing Allerlei Zierat book from Schelter & Gieseck (1902). A research and free interpretation by Intellecta Design. This...


Spellcaster font

Raven hair and ruby lips, it may have been a trick of the light but I’m sure sparks flew from her fingertips. I definitely heard echoed voices in the night, of a restless spirit...

LOLO Cursive

LOLO Cursive font

LOLO Cursive is sweet & funky lettering written with distinct character. Create a memorable look with this flowering, freehand script. In this font I envisioned a style with a grassroots flavor, yet a fashionista’s...


Smash font

Smash is nicely distressed and has cracks, chunks and blobs. Some people think it looks like a crappy FAX or broken typewriter. It is compatible with Overexposed, so you can mix and match letters...

Epicerie One & Two SG

Epicerie One & Two SG font

This typeface is derived from capital letters found on an old grocery store sign in southern France. The word épicerie means grocery in French. Epicerie’s personality remains mostly in the past with a few...