font_category: decorative

Gans Titania

Gans Titania font

See also other font families inspired by Gans’ original typefaces: Gans Tipo Adorno, Gans Lath Modern, Gans Titular Adornada, Gans Ibarra, Gans Antigua, Gans Antigua Manuscrito, Gans Fulgor, Gans Radio Lumina, Gans Carmem Adornada,...

Ibarra Decorative

Ibarra Decorative font

Bruce Ornament

Bruce Ornament font

1066 Hastings

1066 Hastings font

In 1066, William, duke of Normandy, was invading England. He was demanding the crown for himself, against King Harold the Saxon. He killed Harold and reached the crown at Hastings, the well-known battlefield. A...

Marble Roman

Marble Roman font

Quijote Sauvage

Quijote Sauvage font

It was in the beginning of 2008 when I designed a font named Quijote, its predecessor. In the middle of 2009, I looked at it again and thought it could be a good idea...

AndrijScript Cyrillic

AndrijScript Cyrillic font

The glyphs of AndrijScript typeface are based on usual calligrapher’s handwriting, my own native Cyrillic. This strange mix of freedom and professionalism looks vivid but a bit elegant. In three very different weights it...

American Advertise 013

American Advertise 013 font

inspired in classic wood type heritage fonts from old America’s foundryes