font_category: decorative


Mafuta font

Mafuta is a round, happy font, named for the Zulu word for “fat”. In tribal societies in Africa, where food was often scarce and almost never easily come by, it was considered desirable to...


Makonde font

I have named the font “Makonde” after an tribal group in southeast Tanzania and northern Mozambique that is well known for their intricate and semi-realistic wood carvings. The patterns that decorate the Makonde font...


Sangoma font

I named the font “Sangoma” after the traditional healers of the Southern African tribes. Sangomas often work by “throwing bones”. The shapes of the bones have suggested the shapes of the characters in the...


Marisco font

Marisco is Portuguese for shellfish. The font arose from the forms of classic tattoo types, especially those of mid-twentieth-century sailors, but it also has something of a nineteenth-century poster type flavor to it. Its...

Nine Thousand

Nine Thousand font

The powers of the SparkyType and PizzaDude combine to bring a font straight from the future. Nine Thousand is dripping with computer energy and robotic precision.


Pikelet font

Pikelet is a misprinted grunge font ideally suited to headlines, poster and display. As well as irregularities of printing in the actual letters, the ordinary versions contain “print errors” around some of the letters,...


Nanumunga font

Insigne is pleased to release Nanumunga, inspired by the carefree antics of tropical fish. Designers will find this typeface is useful whenever a relaxed and lighthearted typeface is required. Nanumunga is a versatile face....


Craptoy font

Craptoy is a grunge Open Type font – full of different auto ligatures! That means you can write words like beer, letter, bubble, success (just to name a few) without having the double letter...


Megaxoid font

Megaxoid is a grunge Open Type font – full of different auto ligatures! That means you can write words like beer, letter, bubble, success (just to name a few) without having the double letter...

Mortised Ornaments

Mortised Ornaments font

A decorative display font featuring many different styles of flourishes and ornaments. Great for a vintage antique feel.