font_category: decorative

Paola Decorative

Paola Decorative font

Note: Only the regular style in this font family is currently available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.

Half Flower

Half Flower font

a naive sans serif decorative font


Malvinna font

Easy Callig

Easy Callig font

Note: The Italic style is no longer available due its complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues.

Evangeliaire Uncial

Evangeliaire Uncial font

an approach to the uncial medieval style of letters

Geodec N9

Geodec N9 font

A modern grotesque sans serif


Glaciana font

Note: Only the regular style in font family is currently available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.

1906 Fantasio

1906 Fantasio font

We have created this font inspired from the hatched one used for the inner title and many headlines by the old French popular “cheerful” satirical magazine Fantasio (1906-1948). This family may be used together...


Ariana font


Drianh font