font_category: decorative


Arepo font

Arepo is a display typeface inspired both by the Imperial Roman letter and the forms of Giambattista Bodoni. Together with Stone Print, SFPL, and Cycles it makes up a superfamily of typefaces.


SFPL font

The SFPL family was developed as part of a visual identity program for the San Francisco Public Library. It is intended as an economical, easy to use, highly legible typeface family for publishing newsletters,...

Carta Marina

Carta Marina font

Carta Marina is based on the titling found on the famous map drawn by Olaus Magnus in 1539. The map of northern Europe took 12 years to complete, and the total size is a...


Quantico font

Quantico is an angular typeface family that was inspired by old beer packaging and military lettering. It utilizes 30 degree angles and completely straight lines to form unique character shapes. Equally at home in...

Cedar Key

Cedar Key font

A brush letter with that real retro feeling, works well for both headline and text settings. This font represents a time when hand lettering was so popular. There is also a matching oblique letter.


Gunsmoke font

Gunsmoke is a revival of a James Conner’s Sons font that’s been listed under different names such as Extended Clarendon Shaded, Original Ornamented and Galena. Dating back to 1888 this font was available with...

Frames and Borders Too

Frames and Borders Too font

Frames and Borders Too is the follow-up font to Outside the Line’s top selling font Frames and Borders. These borders are a more playful take on borders that are packaged with layout and drawing...


Thoughts font

Thoughts comes in Truetype, Windows PostScript and Opentype format.

Chicken Feet

Chicken Feet font

An irresistible design by my (11 year old) Granddaughter; it brings that child innocence to font design. When she first showed it to me I was so impressed I could not resist I had...


Oyster font

The Oyster family is a useful toolkit for hand-draw moods. It’s a super casual and somewhat messy font that comes in two flavors: regular and outline, or rather, truly-hand-drawn-outline. Both styles have two choices...