font_category: decorative

Gans Blasones

Gans Blasones font

GansBlasones images were selected from the vignettes catalog from Fundicion Gans published in 1920. Represents heraldry devices, Spanish city seals, world nations seals, coats of arms, helms, crowns, crests etc.


Rosart font

Rosart is a digital version of the 2-line great primer letters cut by J. F. Rosart for Izaak & Johannes Enschedé in 1759 (Enschedé no. 811). When the AR type is set at 50...


Featherpen font

An expressive chisel script much like yesteryears— modernized to today’s standards.With added end-glyphs.

Fountain Pen

Fountain Pen font

An unconecting script face that closely resembles hand written with a fountainpen. It was expressly designed for informal applications such as invitations, notations, side boxes and hand written personal cards.


Interum font

This roman face is suitable for text and captions. Designed for the graphic designer that is looking for a new and different text font as well as captions. It can be closely kerned.

Freie Initialen-AR

Freie Initialen-AR font

Freie Initialen are derived from initials made for the Stempel Garamond series. The type was issued in 1928 in three sizes (36, 48, and 60 pt); the AR version follows the 60-pt design.


Graphique-AR font

Graphique-AR is a digital version of a type designed by Hermann Eidenbenz and issued by the Haas foundry in 1946.


Gravur-AR font

Gravur-AR is a digital version of a type designed by Georg Trump and issued as Trump-Gravur by Weber in 1960.

Old Face Open

Old Face Open font

Old Face Open (Fry’s Shaded) is a decorative Baskerville which was probably cut by Isaac Moore for Dr Fry ca 1788; a revival was issued in eight sizes by Stephenson Blake in 1928. The...

Little Brown Frog SG

Little Brown Frog SG font

Here’s a typeface that’s both primitive and playful. It could aptly be described as having a modest bounce, unusual web feet, and a slightly grotesque croak. Joking aside, this amphibious creature-font is ideally suited...