font_category: funny

Square Meal

Square Meal font

Square Meal – Looking for a square deal? Then get Square Meal, a Saul Bass inspired 1950s style casual interlock that’s sure to make ’em smile!


Cirflex font

Cirflex was inspired by a 1930s shop sign, and makes an ideal typeface for Streamline Era and Art Deco design. Cirflex is offered in regular and bold weights.

Babes In Toyland NF

Babes In Toyland NF font

Handlettering on a piece of sheet music from 1903 was the inspiration for this little whimsical wonder. The font features a very sinuous S and teddy-bear bookends in the {brace} positions. This font contains...


Ratatatat font

So y’think youse gonna whack me, huh? Y’think that font o’ yours is packin’ enough heat to finish me off? Huh? Is that what youse is thinkin’? Well go ahead, but if y’whack me...


Scandal font

Scandal is a handwriting font that is meant to sit big and bold on the page, calling all kinds of attention to itself.


Taylors font

It’s Milwaukee’s hottest nightspot Taylors! Meet like-minded hipsters for martinis and chit-chat to a rhumba beat!


Kopa font

This font is good clean fun. “Kopa” is a word that means “soap” in the Hawaiian native language. The thickness and rounded edges mimic the form of solid soap. Some additional design involving the...


Stovetop font

Just the right blend of herbs and spices come together in this playful offbeat retro font! A perfect side for any main design dish!