font_category: funny

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie font


Houndstooth font

Part of the Zoot Suite of offbeat handwriting fonts, Herringbone is based on a fast and sloppy formal script the designer has been using since he was a child. For use when handwriting fonts...


Hinny font

Another cartoony handwriting font, Hinny (named for the offspring of a donkey and a horse, but less common than a mule) is unassuming and narrow, perfect for fitting a lot of words in a...

Heptagroan Mono

Heptagroan Mono font

If there is ever a need for a heptagonal font, that is, a font based on a seven-sided polygon, Heptagroan may fit the bill, unless the need is also for true lower-case letters. Heptagroan...


Messcara font

Drawn very small with a brush-tipped felt pen, Messcara has qualities of freedom, toughness, with a few girly loops thrown in for good measure. A true handwriting workhorse.

Holiday Doodles

Holiday Doodles font

Holiday Doodles includes a set of numbers plus 50 seasonal year-long holiday doodles. Great for a newsletter, monthly price list, or invitations. These illustrations have more detail, so they are great used at large...

ITC Fontoonies

ITC Fontoonies font

Whoa Nelly NF

Whoa Nelly NF font

In his book of Showcard Alphabets, Dan X. Solo called this one Funhouse, and we couldn’t agree more. Wild, wacky and slightly tacky, but suitable for the whole family. The Opentype version of this...

Hardy Har Har NF

Hardy Har Har NF font

In their circa 1900 specimen catalog, Barnhard Brothers and Spindler called this typeface “Samoa”, suggesting exotic locales. On the other hand, it also suggests some serious fun, and is named in honor of British...

Curly Shuffle NF

Curly Shuffle NF font

A collision between fine, fat caps developed by legendary letterer Alf Becker, and a squirrely, curly, uncredited lowercase uncovered by artist Leslie Cabarga produced this merry romp through the alphabet. The Postscript and Truetype...