font_category: legible

Trench Sans

Trench Sans font

Trench Sans is family of fonts intended for use in small-sized texts – about 5–10pt. In spirit, Trench Sans is an agate type. An agate is a a unit of typographical measure, 5.5 points...

Trench Slab

Trench Slab font

Trench Slab is part of the Trench superfamily, which also includes Trench Rounded, and a special series of fonts designed to print text in very small point sizes – Trench Sans. All of the...

Volte Rounded

Volte Rounded font

As a follow-up to our popular Volte Devanagari and Volte Latin families, Volte Rounded adds 5 additional fonts to this series. Volte Rounded is a geometric sans serif typeface with rounded stroke endings. These...

Symphonie Grotesque

Symphonie Grotesque font

Symphonie Grotesque is a family of neo-Grotesque-style sans serif fonts. There are five different weights available, ranging from Regular through Heavy. Each weight has an upright and an italic font on offer. Symphonie Grotesque’s...

Passenger Display

Passenger Display font

Passenger Display is a high-contrast “modern” or Didone-style font family. It is intended for use in headlines, signs, or posters – any place where you need to set large, elegant-looking type. Passenger Display takes...

Neurial Grotesk

Neurial Grotesk font

Neurial Grotesk is a family of sans serif fonts designed in the neo-grotesk style. As a typeface, Neurial Grotesk was developed to offer maximum flexibility. The proportions of its letterforms are balanced; these are...


License font

License is a typeface designed for car and motorbike license plates. Its letters – all uppercase – are monospaced and instantly identifiable; however, they don’t look so technical that they’d be out of place...


Litmus font

Litmus is the newest typeface from ITF founder Satya Rajpurohit. It is a slightly condensed humanist sans serif design, with a tall x-height and strokes that end with either horizontal or vertical terminals, instead...


Neptune font

Neptune is a large family of geometric sans serif fonts. Its designer Gaetan Baehr has created 12 styles: six different weights, ranging from Extralight to Extrabold. Each has an upright and an oblique font...


Intercom font

For a constructed sans, Intercom’s letterforms are quite open, which increases their legibility. The typeface is designed for newspaper headlines and other editorial or corporate identity projects. It features lowercase letters with a tall...