font_category: legible

Vianova Serif Pro

Vianova Serif Pro font

The font superfamily Vianova contains each 12 weights of Sans and Slab and 8 weights of the Serif style. The design from Jürgen Adolph dates back into the 1990s, when he studied Communication Design...

Vianova Slab Pro

Vianova Slab Pro font

The font superfamily Vianova contains each 12 weights of Sans and Slab and 8 weights of the Serif style. The design from Jürgen Adolph dates back into the 1990s, when he studied Communication Design...


Newspoint font

The design of the Newspoint typeface is based on the tradition of the American sans serif faces of the last century. This form expression was greatly influenced by the News Gothic type which was...

Renova Pro

Renova Pro font

Renova was designed by Elsner+Flake in the late 90s as a contractual work. The font family comes as a typical Office pack in EuropePlus layout for at least 72 Latin languages. It is optimized...

Alternate Gothic Pro EF

Alternate Gothic Pro EF font

In 1903, the typeface family Alternate Gothic was developed for ATF (American Type Foundry) by Morris Fuller Benton. It was Benton’s intent to solve many diverse layout problems with the development of a narrow...

ABC Basisschrift

ABC Basisschrift font

During the last ten years of his life, Hans Eduard Meier (dec. July 17, 2014), together with Max Schläpfer, developed an innovative concept of a new Swiss Schulschrift (handwriting script for schools) called ABC...

Revla Sans Text

Revla Sans Text font

Fun. Fun isn’t it? But sometimes you can have too much fun, and things can get out of hand. Revla Sans is, in certain situations, too much fun. So, without further ado, let me...


Sagona font

Sagona is a contemporary slab serif building on the clarendon/ionic model dating back to the 19th century. Like its most famous representative Clarendon, Sagona features strong serifs and a variable stroke contrast resulting in...

Asterisk Sans Pro

Asterisk Sans Pro font

The market for humanistic sans serif type families is saturated, so what can a new release add, and what does it take to stand out from the crowd? Asterisk Sans Pro (named after my...

Astrid Grotesk

Astrid Grotesk font

Astrid Grotesk is a normalized version of Schizotype Grotesk. Normalized; not neutralized. Where many neo-grotesks appear cold with their harsh neutrality, Astrid has a warmth, eminating from its (for want of a better word)...