font_category: legible


Dirrrty font

The Three Degrees had a song called ‘Dirty Ol’ Man’; Christina Aguilera danced around to the tune of ‘Dirrrty’ and my three kids leave everything that way after they have finished their meals, so...


Submariner font

Submarinerwaterproof sans serif technologySubmariner is a waterproof type family that displays the right amount of power and character on every depth level. Thanks to its strong and humanistic construction, it can endure great information...

abc Allegra

abc Allegra font

Allegra by Jost Hochuli is a sans-serif mo­noline with classical proportions, in seven weights, roman and italic. It was designed principally for book typography. As the counters are open, Allegra is also suited for...

Scrawny Cat

Scrawny Cat font

Scrawny Cat is a bit of an unusual font: it was made with a brush and some China ink and has no real baseline. It is messy yet legible and in a strange way...


Rubiesque font

Rubiesque is the sans serif version of Rubis, these two families share the same skeleton and weights. Rubiesque is a sans combining humanist and grotesk references which give this typeface an interesting & unique...

Susurrus BB

Susurrus BB font

Susurrus BB is a condensed, elegant, and subtle body copy font created with the graphic designer in mind. It comes with Regular, Italic, Bold, and BoldItalic, and includes a large complement of European characters.


Camber font

Camber is the last in a personal series of squarish sans. It is a noiseless typeface with a geometric base, it has a synthetic and clean design, but with a human sensitivity where the geometry...

Joanna Sans Nova

Joanna Sans Nova font

The Joanna® Sans Nova family is the only typeface in the Eric Gill Series that was not initially designed by Gill. Created by Monotype Studio designer Terrance Weinzierl over a three-year period with digital...

Gill Sans Nova

Gill Sans Nova font

The Gill Sans® Nova typeface, by Monotype Studio designer George Ryan, expands the much-loved Gill Sans family from 18 to 43 fonts and features a coordinated range of roman and condensed designs. Several new...

Meier Kapitalis

Meier Kapitalis font

As a late work the “Meier Kapitalis” forms an arch within the typographic creations of the Swiss type designer Hans Meier who died in 2014. The first sketches of this typeface can be found...