font_category: legible

Body Copy Sans Pro

Body Copy Sans Pro font

This new OpenType pro family has four members so far with 473 characters and glyphs each. It is a redrawing of Albe Sans, which has been found to be very readable, elegant, and extremely...


Memo font


Gurnee font

A plain old rough font, good for basic work.

Lucida Fax

Lucida Fax font

Lucida Handwriting

Lucida Handwriting font

Lucida Handwriting is a casual, connected script designed for smooth and fun reading on screens and in print. Its relaxed personality and vigorous energy sends a distinctive message. Lucida Handwriting was originally released in...

Lucida Calligraphy

Lucida Calligraphy font

Lucida Calligraphy is a chancery cursive script typeface family designed by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow. It is a very legible and readable typeface, designed for use on screen and in print environments. Lucida...

Lucida Bright

Lucida Bright font


Piranha font