font_category: legible

Lamont Pro

Lamont Pro font


Angostura font

Angostura is a unique sans-serif typeface inspired by American sign lettering from the 1940s and 1950s. The low crossbars are inspired by industrial deco signage, while the monocular “a” and “g” represent the mid-century...

Secca Std

Secca Std font

Secca is a fresh and versatile typeface series designed by Andreas Seidel. With its workhorse qualities, Secca is perfectly suited for a wide range of applications – especially where legibility and economy are important...

Karnak Pro

Karnak Pro font

Based on the original design by Robert Hunter Middleton. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman and Ashley Muir from the Ludlow drawings, circa 1931–1942.


North font

North Family is a small type family designed for books and pages of text in smaller or bigger sizes. It has been designed with special care for the Scandinavian languages, their letter combinations and...

Harry Pro

Harry Pro font

This revival of Harry is based on the original design by Marty Goldstein (and C.B. Smith). Goldstein, born in Chicago in 1939, was the co-founder of the groundbreaking Creative Black Book. He graduated from...


Brinar font

I’ve been working on a usable sans serif for body copy since the mid-1990s (though I certainly did not know it at the time). This one works well. It started life back in the...


NewLibris font

The first version of Libris I designed in London in 1997 when I worked for Frank Magazine. Later Libris was used in the magazine for text and display. In 1999 Libris was chosen as...


Elegancy font

Note: only the regular style in this font family is currently available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.