font_category: legible

Helvetica Neue LT Std

Helvetica Neue LT Std font

Helvetica grew in popularity throughout the 1960s and 1970s, and more versions of the family were introduced. This led to vast confusion: the same weight is often referred to by two different names, design...


Helvetica font

With the name Helvetica (Latin for Swiss), this font has the objective and functional style which was associated with Swiss typography in the 1950s and 1960s. It is perfect for international correspondence: no ornament,...


Glypha font

Glypha was designed by Adrian Frutiger and appeared with D. Stempel AG in 1977. The font consists of ten cuts and is formally based on its predecessor, Serifa, although its lower case letters are...


Futura font

Futura is the fully developed prototype of the twentieth century Geometric Sanserif. The form is ancient, Greek capitals being inscribed by the Cretans twenty-five hundred years ago at the time of Pythagoras in the...


Frutiger font

In 1968, Adrian Frutiger was commissioned to develop a sign and directional system for the new Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. Though everyone thought he would want to use his successful Univers font...


Fournier font

ITC Franklin Gothic

ITC Franklin Gothic font

The ITC Franklin Gothic™ family embodies true American grit: it’s square-jawed and strong-armed, yet soft-spoken. If Bruce Springsteen were a typeface, he would be ITC Franklin Gothic. The family suite of typefaces is large...


Excelsior font

Before designing this font, C.H. Griffith consulted the results of a survey of optometrists regarding optimal legibility. Excelsior was then presented by Mergenthaler Linotype in 1931 and remains one of the most legible and...

ITC Eras

ITC Eras font

ITC Esprit

ITC Esprit font