font_category: legible

Joe Schmoe

Joe Schmoe font

Joe Shmoe is the regular guy, the one who doesn’t attract too much attention, but is always there when you need him. So is Joe Shmoe font: it is an easy-going, regular, nothing fancy...


Mazurquica font

Mazúrquica is an extra condensed sans-serif typeface, ideal for titles and headlines looking for impact and style. Its design in three weights: Ligera (light), Media (medium) and Pesada (heavy) allows it to be used...

LHF Amarillo

LHF Amarillo font

Unusual square style. Surprisingly easy to read even at small sizes.

Orbi Sans

Orbi Sans font

Orbi Sans was designed as an extension of the font system Orbi released on the end of 2010. It’s a low contrast humanist sans serif of open design with the elements of dynamic nature...

Motora Sans

Motora Sans font

Many of my typefaces like Narziss and Mommie and also NewLibris or Verse are rather feminine. With Motora Sans I wanted to be the opposite. Masculine with a smell of gasoline and sweat. Technical...


Battlefin font


Gibson font

The Gibson font family hits the right spot for many people and on many levels. It is a humanist sans serif typeface designed by eminent Canadian type designer Rod McDonald FGDC, and produced by...


Zonnig font

Zonnig means ‘Sunny’ in Dutch. Of course, this particular font has a rather sunny disposition; it looks good, it feels good and if it had a scent, it would smell good too! Use it...

ABTS Aviator

ABTS Aviator font

ABTS Aviator is a font inspired by the 1950s and mixed with letterforms of the Art Deco era of design. It’s simple, yet stylish and modern, yet retro. A nice mix of personality and...

Coranto 2

Coranto 2 font

Now available as Opentype font with extended character set, Coranto 2. It is originally based on Unger’s typeface Paradox, and arose from a desire to transfer the elegance and refinement of that type to...