font_category: picture


Naturals font


Delectables font


Diversities font


Attitudes font

Hugh Whyte, best known for his geometric computer graphic images, created these designs to encompass a variety of today’s modern attitudes. These illustrations can be used imaginatively in book jackets, brochures, logos, posters, or...


Commercials font


Rorschach font

How to use The Rorschach dingbat: q,w,e,r,t,y,u,i,o,p create the start of an inkblot a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l create a middle, you can use any number of middle-elements z,x,c,v,b,n,m create the ending. Your Rorschach is now finished, get...


Wappenbee font

Wappenbee is a 28 pixel bitmapped dingbat system for building crests for the modern, noble life. The dingbat allows you to build memorable crests like the skatepark crest, the smelly sock crest, the mixtape...


Contamination font

Vowels produce ‘end-characters’. These are used whenever a string of symbols start or end. Consonants make ‘middle-characters’. Numerals are zero-width characters. these can be used whenever you feel like it, they will float above...

Chineze Dragon

Chineze Dragon font

Bix Bats

Bix Bats font