font_category: picture

Palm Icons

Palm Icons font


Wingbat font


Heraldry font

Koelle Ornaments

Koelle Ornaments font

The Koelle Ornaments series is based on the etchings of Chris Koelle of Portland Studios. This is the second collaboration between insigne and Portland Studios; the first yielded the inky and active script Blue...


Dovshan font

Dovshan contains an assortment of 78 ornaments inspired by the style, look, and feel of the Victorian era.


Karmaflage font

Glyphyx NF

Glyphyx NF font

This series of free fonts features symbols and icons for use in information graphics. Glyphyx One includes symbols related to transportation, while Glyphyx Two includes symbols related to leisure activities.

Fenotype Dingbats

Fenotype Dingbats font

A set of urban images for flyers, posters and LP-covers.

FT Forest

FT Forest font

With Forest Dingbats you can easily create fast nature patterns or use the images as such.

FT Funghi

FT Funghi font

With Funghi Dingbats you can easily create abstract patterns or use the images as such.