font_category: Sans Serif

DF Staple TXT

DF Staple TXT font

StapleTXT is a transformation from the monospaced typewriter font Staple mono into a text type. The ‘mono’ skeleton was used as much as possible but some characters were slightly altered in order to obtain...

Elisar DT Infant

Elisar DT Infant font

Two By Four

Two By Four font

Battle Station

Battle Station font

Truth FB

Truth FB font

In 1994 Apple® Computer, Inc. asked David Berlow for “a future gothic” to replace Chicago®, their system font. Now called Charcoal®, the design was released with Mac® OS 8 in 1996. Through operating system...


Relay font

Relay reaches back to the middle of the last century for inspiration. In England, Edward Johnston and Eric Gill applied humanist proportions and shapes to the geometric sanserif and established a trend within European...


Productus font

At the turn of the millennium, Petr van Blokland conceived Productus as the humanist sanserif companion to his prizewinning oldstyle Proforma. Petr has shaped the pair as an ideal vehicle for distinguished corporate design,...

Benton Sans

Benton Sans font

In 1903 faced with the welter of sans offered by ATF, Morris Fuller Benton designed News Gothic, a 20th Century standard. In 1995 Tobias Frere-Jones studied drawings in the Smithsonian and started a redesign....

Kamaru Sans

Kamaru Sans font

Kamaru Sans is a sans-serif display font and works best in text and display applications, such as headline, posters, signage, magazine, product branding, corporate branding, logos and titles. Each style has a full upper...

DF Etalage Script

DF Etalage Script font

Etalage Script was drawn for the first time in the year 2000, based on a early 20th century lettering stencil with what farmer Boelema at Lalleweer stenciled his grainsacks. Eventually the script letter was...