font_category: Script

Juri Handwriting

Juri Handwriting font

All SoftMaker webfonts come with at least 500,000 pageviews included. Digitized handwriting fonts are a perfect way to give documents the “very special touch”. Invitations look simply better when handwritten than when printed in...

Kuno Handwriting

Kuno Handwriting font

All SoftMaker webfonts come with at least 500,000 pageviews included. Digitized handwriting fonts are a perfect way to give documents the “very special touch”. Invitations look simply better when handwritten than when printed in...

Park Avenue

Park Avenue font

The first of the popular American informal scripts designed by R.E. Smith for ATF in 1933.


Omnia font

Omnia is a part of the 1990 program “Type before Gutenberg”, which included the work of twelve contemporary font designers and represented styles from across the ages. In designing Omnia, Karlgeorg Hoefer was inspired...


Filigree font

Filigree, reminiscent of the delicate lace and jewelry produced in Europe in the 16th to 18th centuries, was inspired by the font Always, and by the way in which the threads (or filia) of...


Loulou font

LouLou is a scriptlike typeface that looks as if it came right out of the sixties and seventies. Flowerpower! I enjoyed doing this one. Your swinging type designer Gert Wiescher


Octavian font

Nuptial Script

Nuptial Script font

Monotype Modern

Monotype Modern font

Monotype Modern, the first typeface produced by Lanston Monotype, was released in 1896, the same year the company introduced its hot metal typeseting machine. It is a Victorian variation on the vertically stressed, high-contrast...

Medici Script

Medici Script font