font_category: Serif

Emuna MF

Emuna MF font

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Chaparral Pro

Chaparral Pro font

Created by Adobe type designer Carol Twombly, Chaparral combines the legibility of slab serif designs popularized in the 19th century with the grace of 16th-century roman book lettering. The result is a versatile, hybrid...

Bar Yochay MF

Bar Yochay MF font

Inspired by old engraving and tombstones. This font is unique by its flow and contrast, enabling traditional typeface gain a new and clear flow and rhythm.

Beit El MF

Beit El MF font

Inspired by old letter engraving and tombstones, his font is unique by its flow and contrast, enabling traditional typeface gain a new and clear flow and rhythm.OpenType Pro fonts-Excellent support for Niqqud (Vowels). All...

ITC Bookman

ITC Bookman font

Apollo MT

Apollo MT font

Apollo was designed in 1964 by Adrian Frutiger for the Monotype Corporation and was the first typeface created specifically for the new Monophoto technology. Originally designed for printing on smooth papers by photolithography, Apollo...


Aldus font

Designed by Hermann Zapf for D. Stempel AG, this typeface was originally intended to be the book or text weight for his

Etzada MF

Etzada MF font

Unique elegant font with condensed biblical scent.OpenType ProExcellent support for Niqqud (Vowels). All marks are programmed to fit each glyph’s shape and width. OpenType Pro includes new advanced features like Dagesh Hazak, ShevaNa, Qamatz...


Remontoire font

The original sketches who formed the base for Remontoire is known as one of the first typefaces drawn by Karl-Erik Forsberg. It was a result of a competition set up by various typographic organizations...


Tarocco font

Tarocco is a typical book face with good readability and rather tall x-height. The origin for this typeface is found in Nordisk Antikva. A typeface especially constructed with attention for the Swedish language. Waldemar...