font_category: Serif

Mantika News

Mantika News font

Cooper Nouveau

Cooper Nouveau font

Few fonts reach cult status. Despite its ubiquity—and perhaps because of its lack of subtlety—for a hundred years Cooper continues to draw the faithful. It’s even come to define an entire typographic genre and...

Benguiat Caslon

Benguiat Caslon font

Designed to be set in big, large and huge sizes in classic TNT (tight-not-touching) style, Benguiat Caslon is dynamite for a wide range of display demands. We also included outline and drop-shadow versions as...

Plinc Tuggle

Plinc Tuggle font

While we can’t comment of the suggested definitions for ‘tuggle’ that you might encounter online, we are happy to expound on Tuggle’s quirky and endearing characters. The gravity of its bellbottom slab-serif structure is...

Plinc Beaux Arts Didot

Plinc Beaux Arts Didot font

Firmin Didot is credited with establishing the Modern genre of serif typefaces, of which Beaux Arts Didots stands as an exemplary model. Like the French neoclassical architecture of its namesake, Beaux Arts has all...

Plinc Buffalo

Plinc Buffalo font

Just as its eponymous ancestors graced vast Western vistas, Buffalo fills broad horizontal typographic topography with distinctive dignity. Buffalo’s migration across a visual landscape that straddles two millennia saw it survive the threat of…


TheMix font

“TheMix” is a semi-serif typeface with low-contrast – i.e., the differences between thin and thick strokes are not very pronounced. Yet the reference to writing with the broad-nibbed pen is still present, giving the...


Floris font

Floris was developed on a four-dimensional grid of several axes or parameters: weight, width, x-height and ascender/descender height. This makes it possible to allow for fast customization – i.e., the design of Floris versions...

Amarela Stencil

Amarela Stencil font

Amarela Stencil is a contemporary typeface, specially designed for titles, packaging and branding. Sharp serifs and an extreme stroke contrast give the font a classy look and a strong personality.Amarela Stencil comes in 5...

Hernandez Bros

Hernandez Bros font

Hernández Bros, is a typeface designed by Daniel and Eli Hernández. Born in the year 2021, in the midst of the Covid pandemic, from a collaborative spirit where everything called them to work together...