font_designer: Bold Studio

BB Casual Pro

BB Casual Pro font

BB Casual™ (Std/Pro) is a font family that appears between a contemporary neo and geogrotesque design.The characteristic is formed by the intermediate step of the font classifications on the most relevant shapes: geometry (shape...

BB Strata (Pro)

BB Strata (Pro) font

BB Strata™ (Pro) is the first font with only octagon angles (±45°), polyspacing (same width in every weight), optical shape and monoline variants for any type of use. The ideographic system was created for...

BB Noname (Pro)

BB Noname (Pro) font

BB Noname™ (Pro) is intended to imply the appearance of a conventional typeface in a contemporary context. Due to the frequent use in the public service (among other things), the style associates a supposedly...

BB Manual Mono (Pro)

BB Manual Mono (Pro) font

BB Manual Mono™ (Pro) visualizes the work of painters: Craftsmanship, precision, professionalism and their tools. The special features of the Font emphasize the work process.● Flow: visible process● Alignment: contextual monoline● Accuracy…

BB Anonym (Pro)

BB Anonym (Pro) font

BB Anonym™ (Std/Pro) is based on the research and realizations of the BB Noname™ Typeface and complements the font family with a rounded version. The idea and design are based on the principle of...

BB Manual Mono Pro

BB Manual Mono Pro font

BB Manual Mono™ (Pro) visualizes the work of painters: Craftsmanship, precision, professionalism and their tools. The special features of the Font emphasize the work process.● Flow: visible process● Alignment: contextual monoline● Accuracy…

Noname (Pro)

Noname (Pro) font

Noname™ (Pro) is intended to imply the appearance of a conventional typeface in a contemporary context. Due to the frequent use in the public service (among other things), the style associates a supposedly objective...

BB Torsos Pro

BB Torsos Pro font

BB Torsos™ (Pro) is based on the shape and proportion of the human body. For the interpolation of the typeface family, a special formula was developed, which reflects the different and individual character: flat...

BB Strata Pro

BB Strata Pro font

BB Strata™ Pro is the first font with only octagon angles (±45°), polyspacing (same width in every weight), optical shape and monoline variants for any type of use. The ideographic system was created for...