font_designer: Chank Diesel


Crusti font

In 1993, Chank designed Crusti, Crustier, Crustiest and Crusti Wacky to use in CAKE, a fanzine that celebrated grunge music. With a D.I.Y. ethic, inspiration from the likes of Nirvana, and a copier at...


Eatwell font

Formerly known as Eatpoo, Chank found it ironic that the first place he saw this font family in use was on the grocery bags for the local food co-ops. He thought it was funny...


Jawbox font

In 1995, when indie rock hipness was just reaching its pique, Chank was really into Jawbox, a post-punk band from DC. It was their music he was listening to when he made this font...


Chub font

Chub was inspired by and dedicated to: Jimmy Dean Pork Sausage, J Otto, Ben & Jerry, Spunk, Chuck Jones, Run DMC, those teenage kids with their big baggy pants, French Market coffee, George Clinton,...


Cosmic font

The Cosmic font is inspired by a Slurpee Chank drank in 1976. “It was cold, it made my tongue pink, and it made my brain hurt,” says Chank. He converted it from memory to...


Ammonia font

Ammonia is a simple sans serif made fumey and gloopy. Strange little dendrites poke out from some of the characters, causing some linkage between letters.


Braingelt font

Braingelt Standard is inspired by a big neon Grain Belt beer sign in Minneapolis. This simple geometric serif font will serve you well as an industrial display face. Braingelt Premium is the small caps...


Buckethead font

Buckethead was created by Chank Diesel for CAKE Magazine in 1995 as an exercise in creating letterforms with no curves. All the letters in Buckethead were created using exclusively straight lines for a scissor-cut...


Ollivette font

The new distressed typewriter font Ollivette is inspired by a beatnik poet sitting on a beach in Mexico pecking away at his brand new, imported, Italian portable typewriter in 1954. That’s where the basic...

Ollivette Elite

Ollivette Elite font

Fly your inner geek flag with this cool new “Eleet” typewriter font. It’s kinda like a wonky internet translator that converts normal text into leet-speak, so you can exchange encoded love notes with cyber-hackers...