font_designer: Chank Diesel

Darling Nikki

Darling Nikki font

Goth icon and Saturday Night Live voice-over talent, Nicole Blackman grew up surrounded by design; her dad and her sister are architects, her mom is a retired fashion designer and her grandfather invented clip...


Newercastle font

Newercastle is the new incarnation of a popular Chank font formerly known as “Newcastle”. A consistent fan favorite since its initial release in 2005, the distressed blackletter font is new and improved. This sinister...


Dekapot font

A grunge-oriented secret code font, Dekapot Deluxxe has mysterious underlines and accent marks that pop up at seemingly random locations as you type. But these morse-code-like dots and dashes are not random at all,...

Drunk Cowboy

Drunk Cowboy font

Drunk Cowboy is a bouncy version of the popular Old West type style, inspired by hand-made signage in Paducah, Kentucky. The strokes are loopy and loose. The exaggerated terminals give this font a loud,...

Dry Cowboy

Dry Cowboy font

Yee haw! Send me a shot of sarsparilla and let’s celebrate a new cowboy font! This time we’re pleased to introduce a new, more legible counterpart to Chank’s Drunk Cowboy font. The resultant new...

King George

King George font

King George is a chaotic, bouncy, flyer display font that harkens back to Chank’s roots as a grunge alphabetician. It also has a ransom note feel that reflects the stresses and randomness of this...


Shrub font

The new OpenType font Shrub feels like a printed, textural typestyle, influenced by the great slab-serif fonts of the 20th century and organic, messy effects of old Xerox copiers. You might call this one...


Instructor font

Introduced as the Chank Font of the Month for May 1998, Instructor was drawn Roger Lootine and fontified by Chank. Roger was an instructor at Art Instruction School. You know the “Draw Tippy the...

Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage font

Collateral Damage is a classic splatter font from the earlier days of the internet. A consistent fan favorite since its initial release in 1999, this ink-dripping font was inspired by the gonzo art of...


Liquorstore font

Inspired by hand-painted liquor store signage in Minneapolis, as well as constructivist propaganda posters and old magazine logos, Chank created Liquorstore as a simple yet elegant exercise in font creation based on basic geometric...