font_designer: Chank Diesel


Nicotine font

Need to cram a zillion words on to a single page? Nicotine is your vice. Cram it. Nicotine Jazz is a bit more musical as it trades uppercase and lowercase letters for an interesting...


Orbital font

Crusti Wac

Crusti Wac font


Coffeedance font

Shortly after the creation of Chauncy Deluxxe, Chank realized that he needed a condensed font to go with the regular version of his handwriting. The solution was Coffeedance, a fun, light, dancing, dandy handmade...


Couchlover font

How about a light-hearted romp through the traditional roman alphabet? Here’s a fun, childlike, cartoon font with a spring lilt and a bumblebee’s bounce. Couchlover is available in Regular and Light weights to add...


Billsville font

Billsville is a fun font that mixes the casual sassy flair of an old Flintstone cartoon with the upright legible nature of a classic serif font to create something entirely new. Although based primarily...


Chauncy font


Fridayluck font

Patching Compound

Patching Compound font


Yellabelly font

Being a lefty makes it challenging to write in cursive. Unlike righthanders who pull the pencil across the page, lefties must push the pencil as they write. As a result, the letterforms created by...