font_designer: Coen Hofmann


Silvestrini font


Sirius font


Altrincham font

Back when shop window decoration was done with a brush, every window designer had his own style. In this vein the sans serif Altrincham was created. But even as a text font, it has...


Sax font


Ramona font


Technotyp font

The digital font Technotyp is based on the hot metal typeface created by the German typographer and type designer Herbert Thannhaeuser (1898-1963) for the former East German type foundry Typoart in Dresden. In the...

Holland Gothic

Holland Gothic font

Blackletter fonts are timelessly beautiful and still very popular. At some point, it seems that every type designer discovers the beauty of these forms and the great pleasure in creating blackletter characters. Like also...

Jason Uncial

Jason Uncial font

Jason Uncial, a unicase font, was created by Dutch designer Coen Hofmann. Uncial hand writing began to spread in Europe at the time of the late Roman Empire (200 A.D.). It influenced both the...

Caxtonian Black

Caxtonian Black font

Coen Hofmann has rediscovered Blackletter font design and enriches URW’s FontForum with two new and very beautiful fonts: Caxtonian Black and Holland Gothic. Caxtonian Black is a remarkable classical Fraktur inspriced inspired from the...


Romeo font