font_designer: Frederic Goudy

LTC Goudy Open

LTC Goudy Open font

Goudy Modern/Open was designed by Frederic Goudy, who was inspired by the caption of a French engraving. It is Goudy’s first attempt at a “modern” face, but with less contrast and rigidity normally found...

LTC Goudy Ornate

LTC Goudy Ornate font

Goudy Ornate (also known as Ornate Title) was designed in 1931 by Frederic Goudy. He states “It is a simple, decorative face that has been used by some good presses for use on title-pages...

LTC Record Title

LTC Record Title font

Record Title was designed by Frederic Goudy in 1927 as a proprietary commission for the Architectural Record magazine. Based on classic Roman letter proportions, Goudy considered this one of his most successful commissions ever....

LTC Camelot

LTC Camelot font

Camelot was the first of over 100 typefaces designed by Frederic Goudy. The upper case characters were drawn in 1896 for the Dickinson Type Foundry. Goudy was so encouraged by his check for $10...

Goudy Heavyface

Goudy Heavyface font

This face was designed in 1925 as the Monotype answer to the very popular Cooper Black. Goudy is also quite similar in appearance to Ludlow Black and Pabst Extra Bold, both of which were...


Hadriano font

Goudy Modern MT

Goudy Modern MT font

The English scholar of typography, Stanley Morison, wrote of Monotype Corporation’s Goudy Modern: “It is strikingly handsome in mass (and) reads easily, in spite of the fact that it is, on the whole, a...

Goudy Text

Goudy Text font

Goudy Old Style

Goudy Old Style font

Inspired by the Froben capitals believed to have been cut by Peter Schoeffer the Younger, son of Gutenberg’s apprentice, this design is neither strictly a Venetian nor an Aldine. The archaic approach and lack...