font_designer: Hermann Zapf

Zapf Elliptical 711

Zapf Elliptical 711 font


Classico font


Orion font

Hermann Zapf made his first sketches for Orion in 1963. Zapf’s aim was to create a neutral text face that could be ideally used as a newspaper face. Its stroke thickness and open letterforms...


Edison font

Michelangelo BQ

Michelangelo BQ font

Comenius BQ

Comenius BQ font

Created for Berthold in 1976 by prolific designer Hermann Zapf. He said of his design “The basic idea was to create a roman which was to combine good legibility with a more human feeling”...

Comenius BE

Comenius BE font

Comenius Pro

Comenius Pro font

Palatino Sans

Palatino Sans font

Palatino Sans was designed as part of a group of three font families: Palatino nova, Palatino Sans, and Palatino Sans Informal. Together these three families act as the fulfilment of Herman Zapf’s original Palatino...