font_designer: Iza W


Porcupine font

Note: The Shadow style is no longer available due its complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues.


Selena font

Note: Only the regular style in this font family is longer available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.

Southern Flight

Southern Flight font

typeface based on old lettering by an 1930’s advertise lettering in a Flight Magazine

Gotische Frame

Gotische Frame font

a gothic drop caps typeface


Palermo font

Note: Only the regular style in this font family is currently available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.


Majestade font

a tuscan experimentation


Merona font

Frames 1

Frames 1 font

Frames 1 consists of a series of frames scanned at a low resolution. The result when magnified is a bitmapped image that looks like a black and white mosaic.


Frutisis font

Note: The Lined style is no longer available due its complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues.