font_designer: Jeff Levine

Travelog JNL

Travelog JNL font

Travelog JNL is a collection of twenty-six dingbats representing travel, vacation and leisure activities.

Crimestopper JNL

Crimestopper JNL font

Crimestopper JNL is the aptly-named font fresh out the era of film noir and clever private detectives who always seemed to have the right answer to the question “Whodunit?”

Folsom JNL

Folsom JNL font

Folsom JNL is one of the many stencil fonts Jeff Levine has recreated from original sources. This particular design was modeled from a kit made by the Meyercord Company of Chicago. In the original,...

Sendit Safely JNL

Sendit Safely JNL font

Sendit Safely JNL is a collection of twenty-five universal shipping symbols for labels that ensure the proper handling of packages in transit. There are two variations of each symbol and blank label frame. Also...

Sew What JNL

Sew What JNL font

Sew What JNL is a little novelty font that gives the appearance of letters stitched into fabric. This font contains a limited character set.

Flagstaff JNL

Flagstaff JNL font

Flagstaff JNL takes the lettering from Roma Initial Caps JNL and gives them the movement of an unfurled banner. For added effect, there are flagpoles facing in either direction on the lesser and greater...

Calling Card JNL

Calling Card JNL font

In today’s day and age, the term “calling card” refers to a prepaid means of making long distance phone calls. In a more gentler time, the calling card (similar to a business card) was...

Channel Surfing JNL

Channel Surfing JNL font

In 1999, Jeff Levine released a freeware font called “Channel Tuning JL” scanned from drawings made with a felt tip marker and designed as if the letters were breaking up due to poor reception...

Disclaimer JNL

Disclaimer JNL font

Disclaimer JNL is a narrow, ultra-compact sans serif design that’s perfect for fine print clauses or anywhere space is limited – but word copy isn’t.

Factual JNL

Factual JNL font

Nothing too fancy here, just your everyday workhorse sans in both regular and oblique versions.