font_designer: Jeff Levine

Trafalgar Stencil JNL

Trafalgar Stencil JNL font

Trafalgar Stencil JNL gets its inspiration from a set of lettering stencils manufactured by Reese and Sons in Great Britain during the 1950s as does its counterpart, British Stencil JNL.

More Office Stamps JNL

More Office Stamps JNL font

More Office Stamps JNL is the companion font to Office Stamps JNL, and collects another twenty-six designs based on vintage ‘stock’ rubber stamps used in hundreds of offices for decades.

Art Lesson JNL

Art Lesson JNL font

The hand-lettered title of a vintage Walter Foster “how to draw” book inspired the Deco-influenced alphabet of Art Lesson JNL. Bold and retro in nature, this typeface gets the message across in a straightforward...

Chamber Of Commerce JNL

Chamber Of Commerce JNL font

Chamber of Commerce JNL is loosely based on a type style used for some rubber stamp letters and numbers from a vintage child’s printing set. Originally a cast shadow design, Jeff Levine felt the...

Driveway Stencil JNL

Driveway Stencil JNL font

We’ve all seen the informational markings on commercial driveways or roadways instructing us which way to turn, where to park, etc. They are usually in stencil lettering 16 inches or taller, with compressed letters...

Texarkana JNL

Texarkana JNL font

Texarkana JNL is based on classic condensed wood type from the 1800s, and is embellished with stars on the top and bottom for a decorative look.

Typesetter JNL

Typesetter JNL font

Typesetter JNL is based on an old-style ‘grotesk’ (or ‘grotesque’) text face popular with printers and rubber stamp makers since the 1800s. The nonconformist character shapes and line widths are reminiscent of hand-cut type...

Brass Stencil JNL

Brass Stencil JNL font

Brass Stencil JNL takes its place amongst the many retro stencil fonts designed by Jeff Levine, and was inspired by a set of vintage brass stencils spotted for sale in an online auction.

Nobody Home JNL

Nobody Home JNL font

Nobody Home JNL is unusual in nature as it combines two vintage typestyles into one font. Both have been used for home and property identification for decades and still remain popular. Over the years...

Pendleton JNL

Pendleton JNL font

Pendleton JNL was created from some scant images found on military machinery housed at the Marine Corps Mechanized Museum at Camp Pendleton, California. The photos were provided by Brian Platzer, a volunteer at the...